السلام عليكم
We want to let you know that your buyer opened a request because they haven’t received their item.
Here’s what you need to do
If you’ve already shipped the item to the buyer, just make sure you’ve uploaded tracking details that can confirm the item’s delivery to the buyer’s address.
If you can’t fulfill the order, please issue a refund to the buyer, and we’ll credit eligible fees to you as per our fee credit policy.
Please be sure to respond to your buyer’s request by Apr 29, 2024. After that date, if the request is still open we’ll help find a resolution. Keep in mind, if you don’t respond, there’s a chance it could affect your seller performance level.
عندي منتج ما وصل للمشتري والايباي بعتولي مسج
بدي اعتذر من المشتري وارجع له فلوسه
بس مو عارفة كيف
عليكم السلام
اذا قمتي بشحن المنتج كل ما عليك هو التاكد من ادخال رقم التتبع