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الرسالة 👇
Restore your selling privileges: Action required
Hello baraa_1999,
We restricted your account because we noticed activity that we believe is a risk to our community. This restriction means the following: - Your selling privileges are temporarily restricted. You won’t be able to create new listings or revise any listings that are live on our site. You also can’t register a new account at this time. - If youre a seller participating in managed payments, we are withholding your future payouts. You’ll start getting paid again after you resolve your restriction and your account is reinstated.- Some of your listings may have been removed. You’ll find details of any listings we removed below. - Any fees paid or payable for listings that are ended and/or hidden from search will not be refunded or otherwise credited to your account.To help us remove the restriction on your account, you’ll need to upload documentation showing that you purchased the item(s) recently listed on eBay. This can include a manufacturers invoice or a receipt. You can upload your documents at the following link:https://ocswf.ebay.com/mudcwf?deptName=USRiskManagementMake sure your documents are current, valid, and legible. Your name and username should appear on each document. Once you complete these requirements, reply to this email, and we’ll review your account. We may ask you to provide additional information during our review. The safety of our community is a top priority for us. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
عليكم السلام اهلا baramotan
يرجى التواصل مع مكتبنا لحل المشكلة