مرحبا احتاج المساعده في حل مشكله حدود البائع لقد حاولت العديد من المرات ان اعالج المشكله ولم استطع لقد ارسلت رساله الي موقع ايباي ولم افهم ماذا يجب ان افعل وهذا هو ردهم
اتمنى المساعده .
Hello Adham,
Thank you for contacting eBay regarding selling limits. My name is Shivangi and I’ll be glad to assist you today.
I understand you are concerned regarding the selling limits in your account. Rest assured, I will surely look into this for you.
Upon carefully reviewing your account and discussing it with our team we have found that the system is not suggesting any limit increase due to suspended account linked with your eBay account. In order to help you with an increase we humbly request you to please resolve the suspension in your other account. I can assure you that once the suspension is uplifted from the linked account we would be able to provide increase.
We look forward to help you resolve the issue in your linked account so that we can assist you with selling limits in this account.
Your understanding and cooperation is highly appreciated.
Kind regards,
eBay Customer Service
مرحبا ادهم .
حسب الرساله .
يوجد حساب معلق يخصك ولم يتم حل مشكلته .
علما انه اي حساب مرتبط بحسابك او تم اقرانه بحسابك عن طريق الهويه او الحاسوب او الشبكه او رقم الهاتف يجب حل مشكلته حتى تحل مشكلة اللمت لديك