
مرحبا ادهم .

حسب الرساله .

يوجد حساب معلق يخصك ولم يتم حل مشكلته .

علما انه اي حساب مرتبط بحسابك او تم اقرانه بحسابك عن طريق الهويه او الحاسوب او الشبكه او رقم الهاتف يجب حل مشكلته حتى تحل مشكلة اللمت لديك 

ادهم حبيب الله ادهم حبيب الله

كيف ممكن احل مشكله الحساب المعلق او كيف بغدر اعرف شو اسم الحساب من اجل حل المشكله اتمنى المساعده انا بائع اكثر من 13 منتج وحتى اليوم لم استطيع رفع حدود البيع 


يمكنك إجراء اتصال هاتفي مع خدمة عملاء eBay  ومناقشة الموضوع والانتهاء بحل مرضي معهم

ادهم حبيب الله ادهم حبيب الله

شكرا جزيلا على المساعده  

ادهم حبيب الله ادهم حبيب الله

شكرا جزيلا على المساعده  


العفو لا شكر على واجب 

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

Khetam Zaben Khetam Zaben
img issue

Unfortunately, youre not currently eligible for a selling limit increase.

You may need to build up your selling history or wait until your current monthly limit is reset before you can request another increase to your selling limits

لإضافة تعليق أو المزيد من الأسئلة والأجوبة قم بإنشاء حساب أو قم بتسجيل الدخول بإحدى وسائل التواصل الإجتماعي

إنشاء حساب