
مفروض الانتظار او انك تحاول التواصل معهم عن طريق التشات او برساله

Mohammad ALtamary Mohammad ALtamary

تواصلت معهم من خلال الايميل وطلبوا اجابة لمجموعة أسئلة

ولكن بحاجة لمساعدة للاجابة على 3 أسئلة اذا سمحتوا

السؤال رقم 2

السؤال رقم 6

السؤال رقم 8

Hello Mohammad,

Thank you for writing to eBay regarding higher selling limit. My Name is Aqil and I will do my best to assist you today.

I understand that you wish to increase your account selling limit. I have shared detailed information which helps you in this situation.

First of all, I appreciate your intention in selling more and growing your business with us.

I would like to share that all sellers on the site have selling limits. We want to make sure sellers are growing sustainably so that we are setting them up to be successful in the long term.

Mohammad, In order to evaluate your account for higher selling limit, kindly get back to us with the answers of below mentioned questions.

1. What types of products you want to sell on eBay (write in detail what kind of products and manufacturers)?

2. Do you have these in stock?

3. Who is your supplier for these items?

4. What number of products you plan to exhibit on the site?

5. If the goods are new or secondhand?

6. What limits is the most acceptable (and the number of products per month/ amount)

7. How fast you will send the goods after receiving the payment?

8. What shipping service you plan to use?

9. You are going to use the tracking number and delivery confirmation?

10. Do you have any other eBay accounts to make purchases or sales?

please answer in these additional also

1. What is the name of your business?

2. Do you have a website or a physical store? If you have a website, please provide the website URL.

3. Please provide your tax ID.


جميع الاجابات ع موجوده بدوره اسرار البيع بدرس رفع القيود 

مهم جدا مشاهده الدوره 

Mohammad ALtamary Mohammad ALtamary

الاسئلة رقم 2 ،6 ، 8 مش موجود الها اجابات من ضمن الدورة اذا ممكن مساعدتكم بالاجابة .

سؤال رقم / 2. Do you have these in stock?

سؤال رقم / 6. What limits is the most acceptable (and the number of products per month/ amount)

سؤال رقم / 8. What shipping service you plan to use?


2- Yes Im planning to sell my own items and have it in my stock

6 - at this moment I have more than 300 items and I hope that you will give me enough limit for this inventory - average price 20$ - 200$

8 -Im using the local shipping service and DHL service 

Mohammad ALtamary Mohammad ALtamary

شكرا لكم عالمساعدة 🌹

لإضافة تعليق أو المزيد من الأسئلة والأجوبة قم بإنشاء حساب أو قم بتسجيل الدخول بإحدى وسائل التواصل الإجتماعي

إنشاء حساب