السلام عليكم
لما يجيني رسالة هيك من الايباي وعندي منتج بدو شحن ومنتج بدي الغي الاوردر اللي الو اكمل ولا اوقف لحد ما يقيمو تقيد الحساب
Your account has been restricted because activity on it didnt follow our Counterfeit item policy. We don’t allow counterfeit items, replicas, or unauthorized copies.
What activity didnt follow the policy
We removed this item to protect you and your buyers, because we believe it is likely to be counterfeit. To make this decision we consider the details you provided about your item, reports we receive from brands or members of the community, buyer feedback and the reasons buyers returned the item. Please do not relist this item.
Your account has been restricted because activity on it didnt follow our Counterfeit item policy. We don’t allow counterfeit items, replicas, or unauthorized copies.
What activity didnt follow the policy
We removed this item to protect you and your buyers, because we believe it is likely to be counterfeit. To make this decision we consider the details you provided about your item, reports we receive from brands or members of the community, buyer feedback and the reasons buyers returned the item. Please do not relist this item.
What you need to do next
Items removed for this policy cannot be relisted. Please ensure that your future listings are for authentic items only. For these items, they should be described accurately and completely, so buyers know that it is an authentic item.
What is the policy
- Counterfeit products are illegal and not allowed on eBay. Examples include:-- Fakes, copies or replicas of brand name items (for example, a shoe with the Nike name or logo that wasn’t made by Nike)-- Electronics or accessories that use or bear the brand name, logo or trademark of a company that didn’t manufacture the item-- Bootleg recordings from concerts or other live shows-- Unauthorized or pirated copies of movies, videos or software- Listings with photos that hide or blur trademarks are not allowed- If you’re not certain that your item is authentic, or if an authenticator has been unable to confirm its authenticity, it may not be listed- We may remove listings if we receive buyer complaints that the item is not authentic. These items may not be relisted
How this affects your account
Because you havent followed this policy in the past: - Listings that dont follow this policy have been ended. - A temporary 3-day selling restriction has been placed on your account (starting on the date of this notice), and your other listings will be hidden from search during this period. Listings will automatically be restored and show up in search results after the end of the temporary restriction.- Any fees paid or payable for listings that are ended and/or hidden from search will not be refunded or otherwise credited to your account. Listings that dont follow this policy in the future will result in similar actions, including a 7-day restriction on your account.
Why we have this policy
This policy prevents the sale of counterfeit items, which are illegal, and could expose sellers to legal risk. Removing them protects sellers and their buyers from buyer protection claims and financial loss.
More information and help
Counterfeit item policy
Listings not following policy
285498409417 - The Original Reversible Octopus Plushie-Sensory Fidget Stuffed Animals Show Mood
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