السلام عليكم
طلبت زيادة رفع منتجات ودي الاسئلة ما الرد المناسب
1.What types of products you want to sell on eBay (write in detail what kind of products and manufacturers)?
2.Do you have these in stock?
3.Who is your supplier for these items?
4.What number of products you plan to exhibit on the site?
5.If the goods are new or secondhand?
6.What limits is the most acceptable (and the number of products per month/ amount)
7.How fast you will send the goods after receiving the payment?
8.What shipping service you plan to use?
9.You are going to use the tracking number and delivery confirmation?
10.Do you have any other eBay accounts to make purchases or sales?
Once you have replied back to above answers, we will help you with the selling limit increase.
You are a valued customer and we will do our best to help you enhance the site for you. I appreciate your patience in the matter. I wish you good health and may you enjoy the rest of your day.
Kind regards,
Muriel S.
المنتجات ليست عندي في البيت
وعليكم السلام , من خلال هذا الرابط بامكانك مشاهده الاسئله + الاجوبه للاجابه بطريقه مشابه قم بالتعديل بشكل بسيط على الاجوبه: